What is a Doula and what do they do?
Education, Reassurance, and Encouragement.
Doulas are a constant support for both the person giving birth and any birth partners.
I will offer support during natural childbirth, epidurals, inductions, and both unplanned and scheduled cesarean sections (c-sections). I will attend births at home, in a birth center, or hospital.
Before birth begins:
As a doula, I can help you learn about childbirth, and what is happening physically to the birthing person and the baby through labor.
The many hormonal changes that occur through each step, how a baby actually helps to get themselves out.
Discuss any options you might have surrounding your labor and birth.
Talk to you about lactation or plans to feed your baby.
Help you prepare for the postpartum time.
Things a doula does during labor for the person giving birth:
Can help make sure you are comfortable
​Can off suggestions on different positions to help manage contractions or surges
Help with pain management using non-medical/drug-free strategies
Helps facilitate water therapy whether a hot shower, soak in a tub, or hot compresses
Guided mediation
Distraction techniques
We will find your labor groove through ritual and a helpful mantra or birth affirmations
Manage the Environment
Set a helpful tone with midwives, OBs, or staff present
Help set a calming tone
Dim the lights
Nice aromas
Personal clothing
Encourage food and water
Reminders of birth preferences
Can help you discuss and understand any events or procedure options that might present themselves during labor
Provide constant reassuring attention and encouragement from one person throughout your labor.
Can encourage you how you want to be encouraged and reassure you how you want to be reassured. (We will discuss your ideal birth and how I fit in during our prenatal visit)
If you want it, I can also record or photograph parts of your labor and the highlights of birth.
(From personal experience I suggest this, either you won't care if there's a camera around, or you might not even notice and every birth is a once-in-a-lifetime event. But it's totally up to you and you can change your mind at any time, either way.)
After labor, I will encourage things that are proven to be beneficial: skin-to-skin, the golden hours, bonding with baby, nursing, and whatever else is important to you, etc.
For Labor Partners:
I will encourage labor partners to use their individual strengths as much as they are comfortable.
I will remind you of any massage, acupressure, rebozo, and distraction techniques discussed in our prenatal appointments.
I will be there to discuss any events or procedures so you can feel empowered to discuss these with your medical provider.
B.R.A.I.N. I can help you and your partner use this acronym to empower your decision-making.
I can also be the person who relieves you during labor, you will also need to take care of basic needs, sleep, eat, use the bathroom and stay in contact with other interested parties.
Emotional Support! Birth is so many things: amazing, challenging, grueling, fast, worrisome, fascinating, unexpected...
I will be there to support you, talk with you, and encourage you too.​
Is having a Doula right for me?
If you answer yes to any of these questions you should consider a doula.
I am having a baby
My partner is having a baby
I might want someone to help me during labor
I have birth preferences
I am having my first baby
I suffered from Postpartum Depression or Anxiety from a previous birth
I am having another baby, VBAC, HBAC, or multiples
I am being induced
I have a "high-risk pregnancy" or other health factors that could contribute to a more complicated birth.